Licence Agreement
You agree to the installation and use of this software (XnView, Nview, Nconvert and View2) in accordance with this licence agreement and its terms below:
- The program XnView by the author Pierre Gougelet is copyright protected.
- XnView is Free of charge or Freeware for Private Users. Commercial users must have a valid licence. Further information and prices can be found at Information and Current Prices
- The author accepts no liability for damages which result from the use or improper use of the product, e.g. data loss, damages or losses of any kind.
- It is not allowed to amend, translate, de-compile or reverse-engineer XnView or any part therefore.
- You accept and agree to the Copyright, Patents and Use of Conditions of every Manufacturer and Developer, whose programs and algorithms are used in XnView for the writing of graphic information.
© 2003, 2004 Pierre E. Gougelet